Potencial productivo del piro (schizodon fasciatus corti) en Norte de Santander
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Piro, Zulia River, Characiformes, Ethology

How to Cite

Marina Guevara-Rincón, & Johann Fernando Hoyos-Patiño. (2023). Potencial productivo del piro (schizodon fasciatus corti) en Norte de Santander. Formación Estratégica, 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://formacionestrategica.com/index.php/foes/article/view/114


Within the ongoing project "Utilization of Biodiversity with Aquaculture Potential for the Development of Inland Aquaculture in the Norte de Santander Department," fishing activities were conducted in December 2022 and April 2023. These activities were largely driven by the identification of sampling points and other parameters. Pre-sampling was carried out in river branches belonging to the municipalities of EL Zulia, Puerto Santander, and Chinácota. This activity yielded relevant data concerning fish species abundance. The identification of native species of varying sizes was influenced by reproductive seasons, sex and gender differences, and species variations. Schizodon fasciatus corti, locally known as "Piro" among fishermen, stood out in the focused fishing activities in the Zulia River. These fish are characterized by schooling behavior, and several specimens were captured, allowing for the collection of important biological information that contributes to the project's execution.

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