Análisis de estudios aplicados a la construcción de vivienda de interés social sostenible en Cúcuta
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Viviendas, Sostenible, Necesidad, Alternativas, Construcción, Demanda, Materiales, Medio Ambiente.

How to Cite

Liz Valentina Chica Corrales, & Diani Andrea Llanes Hernández. (2022). Análisis de estudios aplicados a la construcción de vivienda de interés social sostenible en Cúcuta . Formación Estratégica, 3(02), 16–29. Retrieved from


This work analyzes the alternative of sustainable housing construction in conjunction with the valuation of the Metropolitan Area of Cúcuta for its applicability. Estimating a possible solution for the housing needs of the low-income population, providing the opportunity to opt for a more economical option with respect to conventional housing constructions. It also provides an eloquent perspective regarding the environmental good and the development of a city, without skimping on the coverage of the needs of the target population. It takes into account the coverage of basic services through the implementation of renewable technologies and seeks through such implementation not only the good of the surrounding natural ecosystems, but also the comfort and convenience of the benefited family. Another aspect to highlight is that, although the local and national government, in order to meet the need for housing, has opted for conventional constructions, this body presents an analysis of the benefits of alternative or sustainable constructions, in comparison with traditional housing constructions. It is important to highlight that the implementation of policies and disjunctions that seek a friendly concordance between nature and human growth in terms of infrastructural development collaborates to the estimation and local and national evaluation of the adoption of new technologies, adding to indicators such as the ICAU (Urban Environmental Quality Index).

PDF (Español (España))


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