Desafíos y barreras para la implementación exitosa del método STEM en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en educación primaria en la nueva escuela mexicana
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STEM method, primary education, conceptual mapping, interdisciplinary, teacher training, educational evaluation

How to Cite

Marcia María Beltrán Gutiérrez. (2024). Desafíos y barreras para la implementación exitosa del método STEM en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en educación primaria en la nueva escuela mexicana. Formación Estratégica, 7(1), 216–234. Retrieved from


education aimed to investigate the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics into a coherent and contextualized educational approach. Conceptual mapping methodology was used to design meaningful activities and projects that connected these disciplines. The implementation of the STEM method emerged in response to the need to improve competencies in scientific and technological areas and has been adopted internationally since the early 21st century, with various adaptations in different educational contexts. In Mexico, its adoption was driven by government initiatives and educational organizations. The STEM method was characterized by belonging to the field of integral education and interdisciplinary curriculum, employing active pedagogical methodologies such as project-based and collaborative learning, as well as the use of educational technologies. The most important results included the identification of significant barriers, such as the lack of quality educational resources and the need for specific teacher training. However, it was also highlighted that the STEM approach, focused on developing practical and applicable skills and aligned evaluation methods, offered crucial opportunities to improve educational quality. The conclusions emphasized the importance of overcoming barriers through appropriate strategies and continuous support to leverage the opportunities that the STEM approach can provide to primary education in Mexico.

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