Arte gótico en Latinoamérica: una mirada contemporánea
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Gothic architecture, history, art, evolution, Middle Ages, architecture in Colombia, Latin American architecture, theocentrism, structures.

How to Cite

Anyela Viviana Duarte Gil, Brigitte Yareli Parra Gamboa, Daniela Torrijos Nieto, & Danna Lizeth Arias Lizarazo. (2024). Arte gótico en Latinoamérica: una mirada contemporánea . Formación Estratégica, 8(1), 106–120. Retrieved from


Gothic art, which emerged in Europe in the 12th century and developed in the 16th century, is one of the most fascinating and rich periods in art history. This style, which was born in the mid-12th century in Li-Le de France (Paris Region), its architecture is characterized by its innovative structures, such as vaulted arches, cross vaults and projecting pillars, as well as its beautiful use of light representing theocentrism through the stained glass. Current studies aim to investigate the understanding of Gothic art, studying its origin, characteristics, evolution and impact both in the history of the Middle Ages and in contemporary culture and art. Furthermore, this study aims to demonstrate the importance of Gothic art and how this achievement left its point of origin and influenced different regions of Latin America, focusing on the country of Colombia from its arrival to the present.

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